Saturday, December 29, 2007

Update on Tico

The abuse case horse referenced in the PI

Tico was 26 years old when rescued from an animal hoarder who later pled guilty. He came to the ranch 500 pounds underweight, maggots, lice, abscesses, and a bone infection. He could barely stand and it took several minutes for him to walk a few steps. The video of him RUNNING...brings tears of joy every time I watch it.

The current photos and video will warm your heart! Tico is now 29 years old and looks half his age! It is a miracle that he could make a come back at all.


Response from the Seattle P-I Article...

A note to all the wonderful people who have responded to the recent article posted in the Seattle Post Intelligencer; I am overwhelmed with gratitude! The outpouring of heartfelt good wishes, donations, and offers of help...I just can't believe it! Tucked away here in Elma, I sometimes forget there is a big world out there. To hear from so many people who share my compassion for animals has been incredibly uplifting and encouraging!
Honestly, the horses are far more worthy of praise than I am. They are the true heroes. They set exemplary standards of unwavering devotion and unconditional love. Each of them have individual personalities...a unique story of how our paths have crossed. It is an honor to have them in my life.

Please know that in addition to the difficult challenges I faced in 2006 and 2007, there were many miracles and blessings! 24 horses were adopted out in 2007. Numerous rehabilitation cases came in and are now healthy and sound.

Every one of you who has responded is a brick in the wall of rescue. I could not do it without you. Thank you for making my mission possible!

*Update*- Thank you to our board members who donated postal materials! Please know that your donations are going directly toward supplies for the animals, however, I felt compelled to answer each letter, donation and email sent in regarding the article. You should be receiving a receipt this week.

Nearly every check that came through the mail had a letter, card or note attached with touching stories about your animals, your own rescues, and incredibly kind and encouraging words. The donations made online also had such kind words - I am so moved by this! All of you have made a huge difference in our lives here at Second Chance Ranch!

A few photos of the ranch!


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Update on SeaTac Jet...good news!

On Dec. 13th we nearly lost our beloved Jet. If you are one of Jet's loyal fans who have followed him through his two and a half years of rehabilitation at the ranch, you know how much of a loss this would be. Jet was pronounced pasture sound nine months ago. He has been the picture of health up until just a few months ago... this last month he coliced three times. After an exhausting two days of walking and emergency vet visits he pulled through. Big thanks to Dr. Vanzwol for his tireless efforts to save Jet. Success ;-)

As soon as Jet was able to be transported, he was taken to see Dr. Bergsma at the hospital/clinic at Emerald Downs. We scoped his stomach, ultraounded organs, drew blood. By process of elimination and ruling out the most likely causes, we are led to believe Jet has "Stricture". This is a narrowing of the colon which makes it difficult for him to pass food normally. Horses can live completely healthy, normal lives if given an appropriate diet. Jet has pasture, and can still have his oaties (grain) and vitamin supplements. The only change will be substituting hay for orchard grass pellets with corn oil to maintain calories. A special thanks to Dr. Bergsma for lending his expertise! We are fortunate to have the help of such talented veterinarians!


Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Flood, the Storm and The Colt

Sunday, December 2nd a storm hit Western Washington so fierce that it put Grays Habor County on the map! Click here to read about SCR's surviving the storm and a special little colt from the WTBA sale.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Flood Victims...

The recent storm and flood that hit Western Washington was devastating to many families with horses and livestock. If you need help - CALL US ASAP! Several people have come forward offering shelter, feed, blankets and supplies for your horses. If you were not effected by the flood and can contribute - please contact us so we can network you with those in need.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Donating Vehicles

The Giving Network is a new organization allows you to donate your vehicle for a full tax write-off, while proceeds go to charity after it is sold at auction... click here for details